It's time to write again
Bits of update. Lately, lots have happen. I've got into a competition with a group, 5 person, including me, signed up for the team. It was terrible. It has been a long time since something made me feel so alienated, like this time's group work.
On the paper, i am the leader, but in reality, it's Louie. I know I am acting so egoistic now, even though I said I already let it go. From being the one who founded the project, into some one who wants to have nothing to do with this project. At the end of the day, the outcome was honestly horrible, I swear this is not because of any of my buyers opinion, but it is really a bad work. Even if it get compliment at the end, I won't like to take any credit, if only anyone would think other wise of this video they made. There is little I can do, I am not as cunning as her, and I would not wish to, one day, become a person like her. From this experience, I learn that there are REALLY people as creepy as her. Manipulating every second, every person around, to get what she wants. I am truly shocked and terrified by people like her, and herself. This experience teach me how to be cautious and the way to react the next time I meet these people. I do still believe in the ingenuity in people. I wish and hope that there's one less person like her, in this world.
Forget that. Now, I am excited and free. Wow! (in high pitch vioce) is the words to express my emotion now. I am damn free now, because normally I would be rushing for dateline at this point, 7 days away from presentation. But, because of this group project, I am really just free, having only the sketch book to work on. Totally under control.
For the last 2 or 3 hours, I was surfing the net, looking for the next hair style, and spectacle, that I'll be having to change to in the next month. The spirit of renewal is so near, because of the atmosphere of year end, Christmas, and by the time you know it, It already Chinese New Year. New hopes, new resolution, new plans, the smell of future, brushing my and hair and skin like sea breeze. I will be better in the future. How positive and hopeful.
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